Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


oleh : Daru Asih
Publish : DIGNA Telaah dan Opini Proaktif
The concept of internal marketing (IM) can be interpreted as the relationship between the organization's ability to market needs and wants. This means that organizations can adapt to business environment in providing added value to its customers. IM is a strategic weapon that help achieve quality of service is excellent, creating customer satisfaction better too. Company's competitive advantage can be achieved through customer orientation by first giving theemployee's satisfaction, so that employees can provide all the customersatisfaction

Di kebanyakan perusahaan, terutama perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa, peran karyawan
sangat menentukan dalam memberikan kepuasan pada pelanggan. Hal ini dikarenakan proses produksi dan konsumsi pada jasa terjadi secara simultan. Pemasaran jasa akan lebih mudah dipahami dengan pendekatan elemen-elemen gabungan antara produk dan distribusi, yang menekankan pada ketergantungan yang saling menguntungkan (mutualism) antara elemen-elemen tersebut.
Pendekatan ini memungkinkan manajemen untuk memfokuskan perhatian pada pen-tingnya peran karyawan dalam melayani konsumen.
Pemasaran, operasi dan manajemen sumber daya manusia pada jasa lebih saling terkait dibandingkan perusahaan manufaktur. Kegiatan manufaktur biasanya mempunyai jarak dari titik pembelian dengan konsumsinya, dan secara ............................

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).

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Internal Marketing Communications

by : Michael Brown and Philip Norris
December 2006
Marketing communications is traditionally thought of as organisations’ efforts to promote the services or products they offer to external clients and customers. In a multidiscipline engineering consultancy, with a variety of departments and divisions, it is equally as important for each department to effectively market themselves to one another. The goals of internal marketing are similar to those of external marketing, to increase visibility and awareness of the services or product available, and increase sales or orders. By increasing knowledge and awareness of the services that a department offers, the department can help to ensure that opportunities are not missed out on due to a lack of awareness in other parts of the business.

Background and Key Features
This case study looks at the efforts of one department within a multidiscipline consultancy to market itself within its own company. The case study outlines the key reasons to increase the internal marketing efforts, the methods used and the ways in which the success or otherwise of the strategies are measured. The case study also identifies how internal marketing, as well as improving the individual department’s performance can improve the success of the company as a whole.
The key features of the case study are the stages which the department goes through in order to implement marketing strategies.

Firstly, there is the initial identification of a need to market to internal groups or individuals. Secondly, the department must decide which individuals or groups are to be targeted. Thirdly, there is the discussion and development of specific strategies to effectively target the groups identified. Finally there must be a way in which the success or failure of the marketing is measured and a way in which continuous improvement can be implemented to ensure the effectiveness of the work undertaken. ..........................

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).

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The Effect of Internal Marketing on Organizational Commitment from Market-Orientation Viewpoint in Hotel Industry in Iran

by : Mehdi Abzari
Published : International Journal of Marketing Studies Vol. 3, No. 1; February 2011

Purpose of the present study is to recognize how internal marketing affects organizational commitment. In this research we have used a questionnaire with thirty questions in order to study a one hundred sample of hotel managers and administrators in Isfahan province. In this regard, a model has been designed to show the effect of internal marketing on organizational commitment based on research literature which is tested by means of LISREL software. According to the obtained results of the questionnaire's data analysis, it has been determined that internal marketing affects organizational commitment directly and indirectly through market orientation. It means that factors of internal marketing influence market orientation directly and then market orientation affects organizational commitment. Effects of these factors are significant on organizational commitment directly.
Amount of goodness indexes (AGFI= 0.96, GFI= 0.99) shows suitability of the model.
Keywords: Internal marketing, Market orientation, Organizational commitment, Hotel industry

1. Introduction
Tourism industry market is rapidly developing, so that this industry has been transformed to one of the biggest fields of business in the world. Active managers in this industry should provide the possibility of utilization of prospective opportunities for themselves with their intelligence and enhance their organizational performance.
This industry has characteristics that are different from other businesses for many reasons and such differences impress the manner of the corporate management seriously. Successful organizations in this industry draw their attention to customers and employees (both of them). They understand chain (profit and service) and this chain is such that connects the organization's profit with customer's satisfaction and consent and especially with employees (James & Thomas, 2000).
In service section especially tourism, employees facilitate execution of strategies of the organization and its superior performance through effective interaction with customers (Brown and Maven, 2005).
Therefore, we should seek the solution for securing of the organization's superior performance in successful role-creation of human sources. In order to achieve organization purposes in this section, we should .........................

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).

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The Effect of Internal Marketing on Organizational Commitment in Iranian Banks

by : Atousa Farzad, Nasim Nahavandi, & Albert Caruana
Published : American Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (11): 1480-1486, 2008 ISSN:1546-9239

The purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of internal marketing criteria on organizational commitment of employees among Iranian state-owned banks. Internal marketing is a planned effort using a marketing-like approach to overcome organizational resistance to change and to align, motivate and inter-functionally co-ordinate and integrate employees towards the effective implementation of corporate and functional strategies which is growing recognition with the increasing competition and commoditization of products and services. The main criteria of internal marketing were derived from the literature, provided the backbone for the study. A questionnaire survey of managers established that “inter-functional coordination and integration”, training and motivation have positive effects on organizational commitment of employees. Therefore if the state-owned banks want to ultimately provide a better service experience for their customers; it is recommended that more attention be directed toward enhancing organizational commitment among personnel, with a focus on the effective criteria of internal marketing. Due to the lack of similar experience, the research findings help managers in state-owned banks network to adopt proper policies in this direction.
Keywords: Internal marketing, organizational commitment, bank, employee, manager

The shift toward recognizing the importance of human capital in the industrial age has led companies to change their paradigms about people management.
Successful companies no longer see employees as a resource whose primary function is to provide goods and services. Instead employees are seen as critical to the capability of service organizations.
Internal marketing is treating both employees and customers with equal importance through proactive programs in order to achieve organizational objectives[1]. Payne suggests that the key aims of internal marketing are the development of internal and external customer awareness and the removal of functional barriers to achieving organizational effectiveness[2]. Lack of commitment from employees can be harmful to an organization, resulting in poorer performance arising from inferior service offerings and higher costs[3]. The resultant positive effect of internal marketing will mean that ...................................

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).

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oleh : Lili Adi Wibowo

Meningkatnya intensitas persaingan bisnis restoran dan café menyebabkan penurunan tingkat loyalitas pelanggan. Situasi ini mengakibatkan terancamnya eksistensi bisnis restoran dan café, sehingga perlu dilakukan revitalisasi dalam rangka menciptakan dan mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggan melalui strategi penciptaan program experiential marketing yang tepat, unik dan berkesinambungan dalam rangka membangun branded customer experience. Dengan eksisnya bisnis restoran dan cafe diharapkan dapat menciptakan citra Bandung sebagai kota restoran dan cafe yang unik yang akhirnya dapat memberikan daya tarik sebagai destinasi pariwisata Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh experiential marketing terhadap branded customer experience dan loyalitas pelanggan restoran dan café, serta dampaknya pada citra Bandung sebagai destinasi pariwisata Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode descriptive dan explanatory survey dengan ukuran sampel sebanyak 440 pelanggan dari 14 restoran dan cafe di Bandung melalui wawancara, observasi, angket, serta dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data adalah Structural Equation Model dengan program Lisrel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa experiential marketing dan branded customer experience secara bersama-sama berpengaruh lebih besar terhadap loyalitas pelanggan restoran dan cafe maupun terhadap citra Bandung dibandingkan pengaruh langsung dari masing-masing variabel tersebut. Temuan empirik yang menarik bahwa faktor pembentuk experiential marketing adalah variasi dan kualitas makanan, atmosfir, kecepatan pelayanan, nilai, kenyamanan dan layout restoran dan cafe. Citra Bandung yang melekat di benak pelanggan restoran dan cafe adalah sebagai pusat belanja factory outlet. Temuan teoritik menunjukkan perlu adanya reklasifikasi atas premis Mona A. Clark dan Roy C. Wood, Lewis, After Auty, June dan Smith bahwa loyalitas pelanggan tidak semata dipengaruhi faktor kualitas makanan dan harga namun juga faktor atmosfir.
Kata Kunci: Experiential Marketing (EXEM), Branded Customer Experience (BCE), Loyalitas Pelanggan. dan Citra Bandung

Pemerintah Indonesia telah sejak lama menjadikan pariwisata sebagai sumber penting pendapatan devisa negara. Biro Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat bahwa pariwisata Indonesia saat ini merupakan sektor terbesar kedua setelah minyak-gas (migas), yang menghasilkan penerimaan devisa mencapai sekitar 4,5 milliar USD dengan kunjungan sebesar 5.321 juta wisatawan mancanegara (wisman). Oleh karena itu, pemerintah memprediksikan sektor pariwisata sampai dengan tahun 2009 dari kunjungan wisman dan wisatawan nusantara (wisnu) rata-rata sebesar 15,69% per tahun dengan peningkatan penerimaan devisa 1% pertahunnya. Secara lengkap proyeksi sasaran wisman yang berkunjung ke Indonesia beserta dampaknya terhadap penerimaan devisa, peredaran uang, dan peluang lapangan kerja pada . . . . . . . . . . .(baca_selengkapnya)

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).
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E:\JOURNAL\Journal Experiential Marketing


Oleh : Fransisca Andreani
Publikasi pada : JURNAL MANAJEMEN PEMASARAN, VOL. 2, NO. 1, APRIL 2007: 1-8

Experiential marketing merupakan sebuah pendekatan dalam pemasaran yang sebenarnya telah dilakukan sejak jaman dulu hingga sekarang oleh para pemasar. Pendekatan ini dinilai sangat efektif karena sejalan dengan perkembangan jaman dan teknologi, para pemasar lebih menekankan diferensiasi produk untuk membedakan produknya dengan produk kompetitor. Dengan adanya experiential marketing, pelanggan akan mampu membedakan produk dan jasa yang satu dengan lainnya karena mereka dapat merasakan dan memperoleh pengalaman secara langsung melalui lima pendekatan (sense, feel, think, act, relate), baik sebelum maupun ketika mereka mengkonsumsi sebuah produk atau jasa. Experiential marketing sangat efektif bagi pemasar untuk membangun brand awareness, brand perception, brand equity, maupun brand loyalty hingga purchasing decision dari pelanggan. Oleh karena itu pemasar juga harus berhati-hati dalam memilih sarana yang benar dan media yang tepat agar tujuan pemasaran dapat tercapai seperti yang diharapkan.
Kata kunci: experiential marketing, sense, feel, think, act, relate, brand awareness, brand perception, brand equity, brand loyalty, purchasing decision

Ketika seseorang bermaksud membeli mobil baru untuk keluarganya, tentu langkah pertama yang dilakukan adalah mendatangi beberapa showroom mobil untuk mencari informasi harga serta spesifikasi mobil yang hendak dibelinya. Informasi yang diperoleh dari sales man showroom adalah jenis mobil dan segala spesifikasi yang diperlukan, termasuk cara pembelian secara tunai maupun kredit, dan mungkin tidak segan-segan mempersilahkan untuk melakukan test drive. Calon pembeli mungkin akan merasakan kenyamanan atas spesifikasi dari mobil yang ditawarkan melalui test drive yang sudah dilakukan dan berjanji akan kembali lagi untuk melakukan transaksi.
Ketika seorang calon konsumen berbelanja di sebuah swalayan, dan datang Sales Promotion Girl
(SPG) sebuah produk susu berkalsium tinggi menawarinya untuk mencicipi segelas kecil susu tersebut. Sales Promotion Girl tersebut menerangkan kandungan nutrisi dan gizi dari produk yang dijualnya ..........................

Artikel lengkap dikompilasi oleh/hubungi :
Kanaidi, SE., M.Si (Penulis, Peneliti, PeBisnis, Trainer dan Dosen Marketing Management).

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